The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

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A big thank you to Stefanie at Bookmark’d in Bangkok for the nomination 🙂 Make sure you check out her blog ! You’ll find some great Asian literature there for sure !

1. Thank and link the amazing person who nominated you
2. List the rules and display the award
3. Share 7 facts about yourself
4. Nominate 15 other blogs and tell them they have been nominated

Now, coming to rule 3 ….. instead of listing random facts I am going to put a spin on it and make it 7 things I like and 7 things I don’t like. Well, I guess they are also bound to be random 😀

1. Books (obvious isn’t it ?)

2. Dogs

3. Long phone conversations

4. Ice Cream (of course!) – cookies & cream and mint chocolate chip

5. The beach

6. Indian film music (I wish I could claim knowledge of western music but that would be lying)

7. The Giant Panda

1. People who are cruel to animals

2. People pretending/trying to be someone they are not just to impress others

3. Certain very specific public figures (I’m not getting into names here)

4. Loud volume on the TV

5. Beetroot (I warned you the list would be random!)

6. Books that preach too much or that have too many unnecessary pages describing physical intimacy

7. Movies that stereotype women

Keeping with the name of the blog award, here are a list of blogs that truly inspire me

A Little Blog of Books and Other Stuff 


Books Come First 

The Misanthropologist 

Musings of a Bookmammal 

Nishita’s Rants and Raves 

Of Print and Prose 

The Book Musings 

Exploring Classics 


Fiction Fan’s Book Reviews 

Cleopatra Loves Books

Book Geeks Anonymous 

Eye of Lynx

I’m going to skip over the “tell them they have been nominated” part and treat this more of an optional tag than a blog award. This nominees list is just my way of letting everyone know I am a fan 🙂



9 thoughts on “The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

  1. Congratulations! And thank you for including me on your list of nominations – what a lovely surprise that was! As you know I enjoy visiting your blog too, and am even willing to overlook your shameful beetroot admission – cheese’n’beetroot sandwiches…mmm!


  2. Thank you for the nomination! 😀
    I was visiting your blog and saw the name of my blog here! That’s very heart-warming really!
    I see that we have a lot in common.For instance,I too love dogs and hate seeing animals being abused! I also don’t like books where there is too much physical intimacy!
    Thanks again and keep blogging! 🙂


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